var SuggestUtils = { readCookie: function (cookieName, cookieKey) { if (!document.cookie.length) return ''; cookieName += '='; var offset = document.cookie.indexOf(cookieName); if (offset == -1) return ''; offset += cookieName.length; var length = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset) if (length == -1) length = document.cookie.length; var cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, length)); if (!cookieKey) return cookieValue; cookieValue = "|" + cookieValue + "|"; var pattern = new RegExp(".*?\\|" + cookieKey + "=([^|]*).*|.*"); return cookieValue.replace(pattern, "$1"); } } function browserDetails(){ var navUserAgent = navigator.userAgent; var browserName = navigator.appName; var browserVersion = ''+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); var tempNameOffset,tempVersionOffset,tempVersion; if ((tempVersionOffset=navUserAgent.indexOf("Opera"))!=-1) { browserName = "Opera"; browserVersion = navUserAgent.substring(tempVersionOffset+6); if ((tempVersionOffset=navUserAgent.indexOf("Version"))!=-1) browserVersion = navUserAgent.substring(tempVersionOffset+8); } else if ((tempVersionOffset=navUserAgent.indexOf("MSIE"))!=-1) { browserName = "Microsoft Internet Explorer"; browserVersion = navUserAgent.substring(tempVersionOffset+5); } else if ((tempVersionOffset=navUserAgent.indexOf("Chrome"))!=-1) { browserName = "Chrome"; browserVersion = navUserAgent.substring(tempVersionOffset+7); } else if ((tempVersionOffset=navUserAgent.indexOf("Safari"))!=-1) { browserName = "Safari"; browserVersion = navUserAgent.substring(tempVersionOffset+7); if ((tempVersionOffset=navUserAgent.indexOf("Version"))!=-1) browserVersion = navUserAgent.substring(tempVersionOffset+8); } else if ((tempVersionOffset=navUserAgent.indexOf("Firefox"))!=-1) { browserName = "Firefox"; browserVersion = navUserAgent.substring(tempVersionOffset+8); } else if ( (tempNameOffset=navUserAgent.lastIndexOf(' ')+1) < (tempVersionOffset=navUserAgent.lastIndexOf('/')) ) { browserName = navUserAgent.substring(tempNameOffset,tempVersionOffset); browserVersion = navUserAgent.substring(tempVersionOffset+1); if (browserName.toLowerCase()==browserName.toUpperCase()) { browserName = navigator.appName; } } // trim version if ((tempVersion=browserVersion.indexOf(";"))!=-1) browserVersion=browserVersion.substring(0,tempVersion); if ((tempVersion=browserVersion.indexOf(" "))!=-1) browserVersion=browserVersion.substring(0,tempVersion); return [browserName,browserVersion]; // alert("BrowserName = " + browserName + "\n" + "Version = " + browserVersion); } var brwsr_dtls = browserDetails(); function isMobileTab(){ let chk = false; (function(a){ if(/(android|b{2}\d+|me{2}go).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackber{2}y|blazer|compal|elaine|fen{2}ec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|m{2}p|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series[46]0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xi{2}no|android|ipad|playbo{2}k|silk/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|7{2}0s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|o{2}|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|at{2}w|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|l{2}|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bla[cz]|br[ev]w|bumb|bw\-[nu]|c5{2}\/|capi|c{2}wa|cdm\-|cel{2}|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|l{2}|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do[cp]o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-[mpt]|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|in{2}o|ipaq|iris|ja[tv]a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kd{2}i|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo[ck]|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/[klu]|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|mer[ci]|mi(o8|oa|ts)|m{2}ef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|z{2})|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30[02]|n50[025]|n7(0[01]|10)|ne([cm]\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok[6i]|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p80{2}|pan[adt]|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r60{2}|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s5{2}\/|sa(ge|ma|m{2}|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|o{2}|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(0{2}|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel[im]|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v40{2}|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x70{2}|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4))) chk = true; })(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera); return chk; } var chkFrMb = isMobileTab(); var atocmplt_attr = (chkFrMb && brwsr_dtls[0] == "Chrome" && parseInt(brwsr_dtls[1]) >=88) ? 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"type_data,sort_order" : ""), e.rowsToDisplay || (e.rowsToDisplay = e.type === asgv.type && window.location.href.indexOf("m.indiamart") < 0 ? 10 : 5), "undefined" == typeof e.relatedData && "undefined" != typeof e.type && e.type === asgv.type && (e.relatedData = "true"), "undefined" != typeof e.type && e.type === asgv.type && (e.highlight = "normal"), "undefined" == typeof e.module && (e.module = ""), "undefined" != typeof e.module && e.module != "" && (e.module = "-" + e.module), "undefined" == typeof e.dispstyle && (e.dispstyle = 1), "undefined" == typeof e.pagetyp && (e.pagetyp = "p"), "undefined" == typeof e.showloc && (e.showloc = 0), "undefined" == typeof e.firstclck && (e.firstclck = 0), this.config = e, this.contextData = [], this.context={ //Object containing context of the page mcat:0, cat:0, sellerId:0 }, asgv.relmcatcity = [], asgv.ld = [], this.cache = new SuggestionCache(e), this.mergeDefaultAndRecents = function(defConKeys,rcntKeys){ return rcntKeys.concat(defConKeys) }, this.recent = function (e, t, i) { var n = { searches: { limit: 50 }, pdata: { limit: 50 }, cities: { limit: 10 }, mcats: { limit: 50 }, mcatnames: { limit: 50 }, cats: { limit: 10 }, groups: { limit: 10 }, sites: { limit: 25 }, latLong: { limit: 10 }, prodId: { limit: 20 }, blsearches: { limit: 100 }, location: { limit: 50 }, prod_data: { limit: 50 }, mcat_data: { limit: 50 }, keyw_data: { limit: 100 }, city_data: { limit: 25 }, meta_data: { limit: 3 }, rel_data:{ limit: 10 }, rel_prod:{ limit: 20 }, cntxt_txnmy:{ limit: 10 }, cntxt_sell:{ limit: 10 }, login_popup:{ limit: 10 } }; if ("undefined" != typeof t && "string" == typeof e) { var o = {}; o[e] = t, e = o } if ("object" == typeof e) { var s = {}; $.each(e, function (e, t) { if (jQuery.inArray(e, perks) == -1) { if ("cities" === e) { if (!t.match(/^[a-zA-Z ]+$/)) { t = "" } } if ("location" === e) { if (!t.match(/^[:a-zA-Z ]+$/)) { t = "" } } if ("cats" === e) { a.setContext({cat:t, mcat:a.context.mcat}); } if ("mcats" === e ) { a.setContext({mcat:t,}); } "cities" === e && (asgv.reqBoosters = "prod_city:" + t), "" !== t && (s[e] = t.toString().toLowerCase(), a.getSetRecent(e, t, i, n)) } else { var p = {}; p.gid = asgv.p_gid; p.vid = asgv.p_vid; var metadt = [{ m_time: (new Date).getTime(), p_gid: p.gid, p_vid: p.vid }]; var mtime = per_gid = per_vid = ""; var meta_dt ="ims", "meta_data"); if (meta_dt) { mtime = meta_dt[0].m_time; per_gid = meta_dt[0].p_gid; per_vid = meta_dt[0].p_vid } else {"ims", "meta_data", metadt) } if (!mtime || !per_gid || !per_vid) {"ims", "meta_data", metadt) } var pn ="ims", e) || []; if (jQuery.inArray(e, perks) != -1) { if (t != "" && typeof t != "undefined") { if (t[0]["type_update"] === undefined) { t = t.concat(pn); t = t.reduce(function (item, e1) { var matches = item.filter(function (e2) { return == }); if (matches.length == 0) { item.push(e1) } return item }, []); tl = t.length; if (tl > 25) { t = t.splice(0, 24) } }"ims", e, t) } } } }), Object.keys(s).length > 0 && (s.vid = asgv.vid, s.gid = asgv.gid, s.type = "recent", s.dName = //!=0 && (this.contextData = defaultContextData(asgv.domain + "suggest/suggester.php",, this.context.mcat)) } else if (!t) return a.getSetRecent(e, t, i, n) }, this.getSetRecent = function (e, t, i, a) { try { var brow1 = navigator.userAgent; var res = brow1.match(/MSIE (\d)/); if (t != 'undefined' && t != null && !Array.isArray(t) && typeof t != 'object') { t = [t]; } if (jQuery.inArray(e, perks) != -1) { var ps = = "ims", e) || [], o = ["0", "-1", void 0, "undefined", null, "null", "type"]; if (res == null || res[1] >= 9) { ps = $(ps).not(o).get(); return ps } } else { if (e == "searches") e = "keyw_data"; e in a || "undefined" != typeof i || (t = [e], e = "keyw_data"), "undefined" == typeof i && (i = "ims"); var n =, e) || [], o = ["0", "-1", void 0, "undefined", null, "null", "type"]; if (res == null || res[1] >= 9) { n = $(n).not(o).get(); if (e == "keyw_data") { var s = (e, t, i) { return "undefined" != typeof ? : "string" == typeof e ? e.toString().toLowerCase() : null }) } else { var s = (e, t, i) { return e ? e.toString().toLowerCase() : null }) } } if(t != 'undefined' && t != null && Array.isArray(t)) { for (var key_ind = 0; key_ind < t.length; key_ind++) { r = Suggester.getArrayCaseInsensitiveMatch(t[key_ind], n); if(e !== 'cities') { t[key_ind] = t[key_ind].toString().toLowerCase(); } if (JSON.stringify(n).length >= 1e3) { n.splice(r, 1) } if(-1 != r) { n.splice(r, 1) } } } return e !== 'cities' ? (t && Array.isArray(t) ? void, e, Suggester.getTopN(t.concat(n), a[e].limit)) : s) : (t && Array.isArray(t) ? void, e, Suggester.getTopN(t.concat(n), a[e].limit)) : s) } } catch(error) { eventTrack("Auto-suggest", error.message, 0, 0); } }, this.setCursor = function (e, t, i) { e.setSelectionRange ? 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0 : intValue; } }, this.setLocalStorage = function(defaultContext) { var storageKey = ""; if(defaultContext.sellerId && defaultContext.sellerId != 0) { storageKey = contextKey["sellerId"]; } else { storageKey = contextKey["cat"]; } var self = this; this.obj = {}; this.futureDate = getFutureDate(1,false); this.storageKey = storageKey; function handleContextData(contextData) { if (contextData) { self.contextData = contextData; if (self.storageKey === "cntxt_txnmy" && != 0) { self.obj = { id: "c" + String( + "m" + String(defaultContext.mcat), exp_date: self.futureDate, catid:, mcatid: defaultContext.mcat, data: { sugg: contextData } }; self.recent({ "cntxt_txnmy": [self.obj] }); } else if (self.storageKey === "cntxt_sell" && defaultContext.sellerId != 0) { self.obj = { id: defaultContext.sellerId, exp_date: self.futureDate, data: { sugg: contextData } }; self.recent({ "cntxt_sell": [self.obj] }); } } } if (self.storageKey === "cntxt_txnmy") { 0 != && defaultContextData(asgv.domain + "suggest/suggester.php",, defaultContext.mcat, function(contextData) { handleContextData(contextData); }); } else if (self.storageKey === "cntxt_sell") { 0 != defaultContext.sellerId && defaultSellerData("/miscreact/ajaxrequest/seller/blsearchSuggest/suggest/", defaultContext.sellerId, function(contextData) { handleContextData(contextData); }); } }, this.setDefaultContextData = function(defaultContext){ //Function to call defcon var storageKey = ""; if(defaultContext.sellerId && defaultContext.sellerId != 0) { storageKey = contextKey["sellerId"]; } else { storageKey = contextKey["cat"]; } var self = this; setTimeout(function() { if(IMStore.localStorageLoaded) { var defaultSugg ="ims", storageKey) || []; if (Array.isArray(defaultSugg) && defaultSugg.length == 0) { self.setLocalStorage(defaultContext); } else if(Array.isArray(defaultSugg) && defaultSugg.length != 0) { let matchedObject = ''; if(storageKey == "cntxt_txnmy" && != 0 && defaultContext.mcat != 0) { matchedObject = defaultSugg.find(obj => obj.catid && obj.catid == && obj.mcatid && obj.mcatid == defaultContext.mcat); if (matchedObject && matchedObject.exp_date && matchedObject.exp_date >= getFutureDate(0)) { self.contextData =; } else { let match_cntxt = "c" + String( + "m" + String(defaultContext.mcat); defaultSugg = defaultSugg.filter(obj => !== match_cntxt);"ims",storageKey,defaultSugg); self.setLocalStorage(defaultContext); } } else if(storageKey == "cntxt_sell" && defaultContext.sellerId != 0) { matchedObject = defaultSugg.find(obj => && == defaultContext.sellerId); if (matchedObject && matchedObject.exp_date && matchedObject.exp_date >= getFutureDate(0)) { self.contextData =; } else { defaultSugg = defaultSugg.filter(obj => !== defaultContext.sellerId);"ims",storageKey,defaultSugg); self.setLocalStorage(defaultContext); } } } } else{ self.contextData = []; } },1000); }, this.setContext=function(pageContext){ //function to set the Context for the Page if( { = this.processContext(; } if(pageContext.mcat) { this.context.mcat = this.processContext(pageContext.mcat); } if(pageContext.sellerId) { this.context.sellerId = this.processContext(pageContext.sellerId); } this.setDefaultContextData(this.context); this.cache = new SuggestionCache(e); }, (e.context) && this.setContext(e.context), a.keyDownRecorded = !1, a.displayRecorded = !1, a.serverDisplayRecorded = !1, a.preFilledTerm = "", a.selectionRecorded = !1, a.displayListLength = 0, a.previousTerm = "", a.pasteFired = !1, this.searchBoxVal = function (e) { var t = $(e).val(); t = "string" == typeof t && "" !== t ? 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void(o = { item: e[t]._list[0] }) : e && void 0 !== e[t][0] ? void(o = { item: e[t][0] }) : void(o = { item: "" }) }),, a.event, o) }, this.onEnd = function () { var i = $("#" + e["element"]).val().toString().toLowerCase(), n = document.cookie.indexOf("xnHist=") > -1 && document.cookie.indexOf("ss%3D") > -1 ? document.cookie.substring(document.cookie.indexOf("xnHist="), document.cookie.indexOf("ss%3D") + 5) : document.cookie.indexOf("xnHist=") > -1 ? document.cookie.substring(document.cookie.indexOf("xnHist="), document.cookie.indexOf(";", document.cookie.indexOf("xnHist="))) + "%3Dss%7C" : "xnHist=ss%3D"; 0 === a.displayListLength ? (n += "notDisplayed", eventTrack("Auto-Suggest", e.type + e.module + "-mode-" + asgv.mode + "-suggestion-not-displayed-ms-" + 500 * Math.ceil(((new Date).getTime() - a.firstKeyDownTime) / 500) + "-paste-" + a.pasteFired, i, 0)) : a.displayListLength > 0 && a.selectionRecorded === !1 ? (n += "notSelected", eventTrack("Auto-Suggest", e.type + e.module + "-mode-" + asgv.mode + "-suggestion-not-selected-ms-" + 500 * Math.ceil(((new Date).getTime() - a.firstKeyDownTime) / 500) + "-paste-" + a.pasteFired, i, 0)) : n += "selected"; var o = new Date; o.setTime(o.getTime() + 15552e6), document.cookie = n + ";expires=" + o.toGMTString() + ";;path=/;" }, this.requestData = function (e, t, i, a) { var suggestURL = "product" == e.type ? "suggest/suggester.php" : "suggest/suggest.php"; // var cache1 = (e.cacheSuggestions != 0) ? false : !0; var cache1 = ((typeof(i.type) != 'undefined' && (i.type == 'mcat' || i.type == 'brand')) || (typeof(e.type) != 'undefined' && (e.type == 'mcat' || e.type == 'brand'))) ? false : !0; $.ajax({ url: e.url || asgv.domain + suggestURL, dataType: "json", cache: cache1, data: { q: e.type === "location" || e.type === "city" ? i.term.trim().split(',')[0] || i.searchTerm.trim(): i.searchTerm.trim() || i.term.trim() , tag: "suggestions", limit: i.limit || e.suggestionsToFetch, type: i.type || e.type, fields: i.fields || e.fields, filters: i.filters || e.filters, method: i.method || e.method, display_fields: i.displayFields || e.displayFields, display_separator: i.displaySeparator || e.displaySeparator, match: i.match || e.match, catid:, mcatid: this.context.mcat, v: asgv.version || -1, country: || }, success: function (n) { if (n && typeof n["product"] != "undefined" && n["product"] != null) { delete n.debugQ; } if (null != i.cache) { i.sugg = new Suggestions; var o = i.sugg.DIRECT, s = {}; if (s.valuesCount = 0, s.dTypeCount = 0, i.type === asgv.type) { var r = n.mcat; delete n.mcat, n.mcat = r } n && n["product"] != null && $.each(n, function (t, a) { if (cleanString(i.searchTerm).length > 30) o = i.sugg.COMPLETE; else if (a.length === e.suggestionsToFetch) return o = i.sugg.FILTERED, !1 }), $.each(n, function (t, a) { if (i.term === i.searchTerm && "product" == t && "undefined" != typeof i.cache._cache[cleanString(i.term).substr(0, cleanString(i.term).length - 1)]) { var o = new Object; "fuzzy" == e.match && (n[t] = Suggester.getTopN(previouskeyCache(cleanString(i.term, 1), i.cache._cache[cleanString(i.term).substr(0, cleanString(i.term).length - 1)]._list[t], t, o, e)[t].concat(n[t]), i.rowsToDisplay, i.maxSuggestLen)) } }); i.sugg.list(n, o), "city" == i.type || "domain" == e.type ? i.cache.cache(i.term, e, i.term, i.sugg) : i.cache.cache(cleanString(i.searchTerm), e, cleanString(i.searchTerm), i.sugg) } "function" == typeof i.onSuccess && i.onSuccess(n, e, t, i, a) } }) }, this.renderData = function (e, i, a, n, o) { var s = n.term.trim(), r = n.searchTerm; if (s.length >= i.minStringLengthToDisplaySuggestion && ("city" == n.type || "domain" === i.type || cleanString(s) == cleanString(r))) { "domain" === i.type ? a.changeList(i, n.addBeforCity + "@", e.domain) : ""; var l = [], recentKeys = [], defaultContexualKeys = [], contextualFirst = [], cls1 = "", c = i.type ? i.type : "keyword"; if ("city" != i.type && "city" != n.type || 1 != i.recentData) i.type == asgv.type && 1 == i.recentData && (i.pagetyp == "bl" ? l = Suggester.getTopN(Suggester.match(s.trim(), a.recent("blsearches"), i.method), i.rowsToDisplay, i.maxSuggestLen) : l = Suggester.getTopN(Suggester.match(s.trim(), a.recent("keyw_data").map(function (s) { return "undefined" != typeof ?" near me", "") : "undefined" != typeof s.label ? s.label.replace(" near me", "") : "string" == typeof s ? s.replace(" near me", "") : null }), i.method), i.rowsToDisplay, i.maxSuggestLen), i.pagetyp == "bl" ? cls1 = "blrcnt" : cls1 = "rcnt", "undefined" != typeof l && $.each(l, function (e, t) { l[e] = { label: t.replace(/\w+/g, function (e) { return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1).toString().toLowerCase() }), value: t.replace(/\w+/g, function (e) { return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1).toString().toLowerCase() }), cls: cls1 } }), $.each(Suggester.match(s.trim(), a.contextData, i.method), function (e, t) { l.push({ label: t.value.toString().toLowerCase(), value: t.value.toString().toLowerCase(), cls: t.cls.toString().toLowerCase() }) }), $.each(Suggester.match(s.trim(), asgv.topSearches, i.method), function (e, t) { l.push({ label: t.toString().toLowerCase(), value: t.toString().toLowerCase(), cls: "topsearches" }) })); else { if (l = Suggester.match(s, a.recent("cities"), i.method),l =, "city" != i.type) { if (i.showloc == 1) { l = Suggester.match(r, a.recent("location"), i.method) } else { l = Suggester.match(r, a.recent("cities"), i.method) } var disSep = i.displaySeparator; if (l.indexOf(":") > -1) { l = l.replace(":", disSep) } for (var d = 0; d < l.length; d++) l[d] = s.substring(0, s.length - r.length) + l[d].replace(/(^| )(\w)/g, function (e) { return e.toUpperCase() }) } $.each(l, function (e, t) { l[e] = { label: t, value: t, cls: "rcnt" } }) } if ("undefined" != typeof && > 0 && cleanString(s) != cleanString(r) && a.changeList(n, n.addBeforCity,, l = a.createDpList(e, Suggester.getTopN(l ,i.rowsToDisplay, i.maxSuggestLen), i.rowsToDisplay, a, n.term, i.element, i.type), o(Suggester.remDuplicateImg(Suggester.getTopN(l, i.rowsToDisplay, i.maxSuggestLen, i.frstcapcase))), a.displayListLength = l.length, l.length > 0) { var u = (new Date).getTime() - a.firstKeyDownTime; a.displayRecorded || (eventTrack("Auto-Suggest", c + i.module + "-mode-" + asgv.mode + "-appearance-speed", "after-ms-" + u + "-after-char-" + s.length, u), a.displayRecorded = !0); if (!a.serverDisplayRecorded && "undefined" != typeof a.prefix && a.prefix.term == n.searchTerm) { a.prefix.fetchTime = (new Date).getTime() - a.prefix.keydownTime; eventTrack("Auto-Suggest", c + i.module + "-mode-" + asgv.mode + "-appearance-speed-server", "after-ms-" + a.prefix.fetchTime, a.prefix.fetchTime); a.serverDisplayRecorded = true; } } i.type == asgv.type && a.searchBoxVal(t) } }, this.changeList = function (e, t, i) { var a = i; for (var n = 0; n < a.length; n++) a[n].value = a[n].label = t + a[n].label.toString().toLowerCase() }, this.createDpList = function (e, t, i, a, term, elem, typ) { var c = [], s = [], p = [], r = [], topRes_Sort = [], top_count = 20, topRes = [], botRes = [], n = {}; var elemId = "#".concat(elem); exact_data = exactMatchResults(e[typ], term, typ); e[typ] = exact_data.concat(e[typ]); var uniqueRes = []; $.each(e[typ], function (i, el) { if (jQuery.inArray(el, uniqueRes) === -1) uniqueRes.push(el) }); e[typ] = uniqueRes; $.each(e, function (e, b) { if ("mcat" != e) { if (b[0] != undefined) { n = Suggester.getTopN(b, 125, a.config.maxSuggestLen, a.config.frstcapcase) } if ("product" == e) { for (var o = t.length - 1; o > -1; o--) $.each(n, function (e, i) { return "undefined" != typeof i && "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof t[o].label && t[o].label.toString().toLowerCase() == i.label.toString().toLowerCase() ? (t[o].data =, n.splice(e, 1), !1) : void 0 }); t = t.concat(n) } "mcat" !== e && "product" !== e && (t = Suggester.getTopN(t.concat(b), i, a.config.maxSuggestLen, a.config.frstcapcase)) } else { t = Suggester.getTopN(t.concat(b), i, a.config.maxSuggestLen, a.config.frstcapcase) } }); exact_data = exactMatchResults(t, term, typ); t = exact_data.concat(t); var uniqueRes = []; $.each(t, function (i, el) { if (jQuery.inArray(el, uniqueRes) === -1) uniqueRes.push(el) }); t = uniqueRes; topRes = t.slice(0, top_count); botRes = t.slice(top_count, t.length); topRes_Sort = sortingResults(topRes, term, exact_data, typ); topRes_Sort = topRes_Sort.concat(botRes); t = topRes_Sort; return t }, this.finish = function () { this.serverDisplayRecorded = this.displayRecorded = this.selectionRecorded = false; } onDocReady = function () { var i = a.cache; if ("isd" === e.type) { var uniq_str = "undefined" != typeof e.element ? e.element.replace(/\W+/g, "_") : ""; var o = {}; o.term = "", o.limit = 500, o.type = "isd", o.callbackstr = "Suggester_callback_" + e.method + uniq_str, o.searchTerm = "", o.cache = i, o.onSuccess = renderIsd, e.defaultValue = "undefined" != typeof e.defaultValue && "" === e.defaultValue ? "IN" : e.defaultValue; var s = "false"; return $.each(, function (t, i) { === e.defaultValue && (s = "true") }), void("undefined" != typeof e.showmore && "true" === e.showmore && "true" === s ? renderIsd(, e, a, o, "") : a.requestData(e, a, o, "")) } var r = $(t).autocomplete({ delay: 10, source: function (t, o) { t.term = t.term.toString().toLowerCase(), t.cache = a.cache, n = t.term, t.callbackstr = "Suggester_callback_", t.searchTerm = cleanString(n, 1), t.onSuccess = a.renderData; var s = e.type ? e.type : "keyword"; a.keyDownRecorded || (eventTrack("Auto-Suggest", s + e.module + "-mode-" + asgv.mode + "-keydown", "first-keydown", 1), a.firstKeyDownTime = (new Date).getTime(), a.preFilledTerm = n, a.keyDownRecorded = !0); if (!a.serverDisplayRecorded && "undefined" == typeof a.prefix && Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) == 0) { a.prefix = { keydownTime: (new Date).getTime(), term: t.searchTerm }; } var r = 3; "city" == e.type && (r = 1), n.length == r && (new Date).getTime(), a.termWords = (n.match(/\s+/g) || []).length; var l = e.source; if (l && n.length >= e.minStringLengthToDisplaySuggestion) { if (e.finder) l = e.finder(l, n); else { n = cleanString(t.term, {preserveSpaces: true}), $.each(l, function (e, t) { "string" == typeof t && (l[e] = { label: t, value: t }) }); var c; c = e.method && "beginstring" == e.method.toString().toLowerCase() ? new RegExp("^" + n, "i") : new RegExp("\\b" + n, "i"), l = $.grep(l, function (e, t) { var i = cleanString(e.label, {preserveSpaces: true}); return c.test(i) }) } if ($.each(l, function (e, t) { "string" == typeof t && (l[e] = { label: t, value: t }) }), o(Suggester.getTopN(l, e.rowsToDisplay, e.maxSuggestLen, e.frstcapcase)), !a.displayRecorded) { var d = (new Date).getTime() - a.firstKeyDownTime, u = n.length === a.preFilledTerm.length && n === a.preFilledTerm ? 0 : n.length; eventTrack("Auto-Suggest", s + e.module + "-mode-" + asgv.mode + "-appearance-speed", "after-ms-" + d + "-after-char-" + u, d), a.displayRecorded = !0 } } else { "domain" === e.type && n.indexOf("@") > -1 && (t.addBeforCity = n.substr(0, n.indexOf("@")), n = t.searchTerm = " "), n = cleanString(n, 1); var disSep = e.displaySeparator; var p; t.addPartialTerm = "", p = "domain" === e.type ? t.cache.cache(t.term, e, t.term) : t.cache.cache(n, e, n), inCity = n.indexOf(" in") > -1 || n.indexOf(" from") > -1 ? n : false, n = cleanString(n,1); var g = []; var recentKeys = []; var defaultContexualKeys = []; var contextualFirst = []; var cls1 = ""; var elem = e.element; var typ = e.type; var uniqueRes1 = []; isSolr = true; if (e.type == asgv.type && 1 == e.recentData ? (e.pagetyp == "bl" ? g = Suggester.getTopN(Suggester.match(n, a.recent("blsearches"), e.method), e.rowsToDisplay, e.maxSuggestLen, e.frstcapcase) : g = Suggester.getTopN(Suggester.match(n, a.recent("keyw_data").map(function (s) { return "undefined" != typeof ?" near me", "") : "undefined" != typeof s.label ? s.label.replace(" near me", "") : "string" == typeof s ? s.replace(" near me", "") : null }).concat(a.recent("prod_data").map(function (pd) { return })).concat(a.recent("mcat_data").map(function (md) { return })), e.method), e.rowsToDisplay, e.maxSuggestLen, e.frstcapcase), e.pagetyp == "bl" ? cls1 = "blrcnt" : cls1 = "rcnt", $.each(g, function (e, t) { g[e] = { label: t.toString().toLowerCase(), value: t.toString().toLowerCase(), cls: cls1 }; if (isSolr) recentKeys[e] = g[e] }), $.each(Suggester.match(t.term.trim(), a.contextData, e.method), function (e, t) { g.push({ label: t.value.toString().toLowerCase(), value: t.value.toString().toLowerCase(), cls: t.cls.toString().toLowerCase() }); if (isSolr) defaultContexualKeys.push({ label: t.value.toString().toLowerCase(), value: t.value.toString().toLowerCase(), cls: t.cls }) }), $.each(Suggester.match(t.term.trim(), asgv.topSearches, e.method), function (e, t) { g.push({ label: t.toString().toLowerCase(), value: t.toString().toLowerCase(), cls: "topsearches" }); if (isSolr) defaultContexualKeys.push({ label: t.toString().toLowerCase(), value: t.toString().toLowerCase(), cls: "topsearches" }) }), isSolr && (g = a.contextData.length ? a.mergeDefaultAndRecents(defaultContexualKeys,recentKeys) : recentKeys)) : "city" == e.type && 1 == e.recentData && (e.showloc == 1 ? g = Suggester.match(n, a.recent("location"), e.method) : g = Suggester.match(n, a.recent("cities"), e.method), $.each(g, function (e, t) { if (t.indexOf(":") > -1) { t = t.replace(":", disSep) } g[e] = { label: t.replace(/\w+/g, function (e) { return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1).toString().toLowerCase() }), value: t.replace(/\w+/g, function (e) { return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substr(1).toString().toLowerCase() }), cls: "rcnt" } })), (n.length >= e.minStringLengthToDisplaySuggestion || "domain" == e.type) && (p && n.trim() == cleanString(t.searchTerm,1) ? g = a.createDpList(p.list(), Suggester.getTopN(g, e.rowsToDisplay, e.maxSuggestLen, e.frstcapcase), e.rowsToDisplay, a, t.searchTerm, elem, typ) : p && p.list()[typ].length && t.searchTerm.indexOf(" ") > -1 && $.each(p.list(), function (e, i) { $.each(i, function (e, i) { var cls = ""; var last_dis = 0; if (typeof i.cls != "undefined" && i.cls != "" && i.cls == "rcnt") { cls = i.cls } if (typeof i.last_dis != "undefined" && i.last_dis != "") { last_dis = i.last_dis } if (t.addPartialTerm.substring(t.addPartialTerm.trim().lastIndexOf(" ")).trim() == i.value.substring(0, i.value.indexOf(" "))) { var a = t.addPartialTerm.substring(0, t.addPartialTerm.trim().lastIndexOf(" ") + 1) + i.label; g.push({ label: a, value: a, pos: i.pos, last_dis: last_dis, cls: cls }) } else { var a = t.addPartialTerm + i.label; g.push({ label: a, value: a, data:, pos: i.pos, last_dis: last_dis, cls: "partial" }) } }) })), exact_data = exactMatchResults(g, t.searchTerm, typ), g = exact_data.concat(g).concat(), $.each(g, function (i, el) { if (jQuery.inArray(el, uniqueRes1) === -1) uniqueRes1.push(el) }), g = uniqueRes1, topRes = g.slice(0, 20), botRes = g.slice(20, g.length), g = sortingResults(topRes, t.searchTerm, exact_data, typ).concat(botRes), inCity && e.type == asgv.type && 1 == a.displayRecorded) { containsIn = true; t.addBeforCity = inCity.indexOf(" in") > -1 ? inCity.substring(0, inCity.indexOf(" in") + 3) : inCity.substring(0, inCity.indexOf(" from") + 5), t.searchTermCity = inCity.indexOf(" in") > -1 ? inCity.substring(inCity.indexOf(" in") + 4).trim() : inCity.substring(inCity.indexOf(" from") + 6).trim(); if (!asgv.geoCity) asgv.geoCity = SuggestUtils.readCookie('GeoLoc', 'lg_ct'); if (!asgv.ipCity) asgv.ipCity = SuggestUtils.readCookie('iploc', 'gctnm'); var gcity = Suggester.match(t.searchTermCity, a.recent("cities"), e.method).slice(0, 3).concat(Suggester.match(t.searchTermCity, [asgv.geoCity, asgv.ipCity], e.method)); for (var f = 0; f < gcity.length; f++) { if (gcity[f].match(/^[A-Za-z ]+$/)) { gcity[f] = t.addBeforCity + " " + gcity[f].toString().toLowerCase() } else { gcity[f] = "" } } gcity = gcity.filter(Boolean); $.each(gcity, function (e, t) { gcity[e] = { label: t, value: t, data: { type_data: 5, sort_order: 5 } } }), p && "undefined" != typeof p.list().city && p.list().city.length > 0 && (gcity = gcity.concat(p.list().city)), g = g.filter(function (product) { return !(product.cls == "" || product.cls == "partial" || ! && != 5 }).concat(gcity).concat(g.filter(function (product) { return && == 5 })) } if (o(Suggester.remDuplicateImg(Suggester.getTopN(g, e.rowsToDisplay,e.maxSuggestLen,e.frstcapcase))), a.displayListLength = g.length, !a.displayRecorded && g.length > 0) { var d = (new Date).getTime() - a.firstKeyDownTime, u = n.length === a.preFilledTerm.length && n === a.preFilledTerm ? 0 : n.length; eventTrack("Auto-Suggest", s + e.module + "-mode-" + asgv.mode + "-appearance-speed", "after-ms-" + d + "-after-char-" + u, d), a.displayRecorded = !0 } if (p && (p.type == p.DIRECT || p.type == p.COMPLETE)) return; "" !== t.searchTerm && "undefined" == typeof t.cache._cache[t.searchTerm] && (!p || p.type == p.FILTERED) && t.searchTerm.length <= e.maxCharForSuggestionRequest && a.previousTerm != t.searchTerm && ("domain" !== e.type || "domain" == e.type && t.term.indexOf("@") > 0 && t.term.indexOf("@") + 1 === t.term.length) && (a.previousTerm = t.searchTerm.trim(), 1 == t.searchTerm.length && (t.limit = 40), t.searchTerm == t.searchTerm.trim() && a.requestData(e, a, t, o)); } }, minLength: e.minStringLengthToFetchSuggestion, select: function (i, o) { var s = e.type ? e.type : "keyword"; typeParam = { 1: 'context', 2: 'popular', 3: 'keyword', 4: 'company', 5: 'incity' }; if ((e.type == "keyword" || e.type == "product") && "undefined" != typeof o.item && (o.item["askwdSel"] = 1)) { if ("undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof { if ( == 1) { if (typeof n != "undefined" && n != "") { o.item["trackid"] = "as-context|kwd=" + n; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } else { o.item["trackid"] = "as-context"; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } if ("undefined" != typeof o.item.addedNear && o.item.addedNear != "" && o.item.addedNear) { o.item.trackid = o.item.trackid + ":near=" + "1" } } else if ( == 2) { if (typeof n != "undefined" && n != "") { o.item["trackid"] = "as-popular|kwd=" + n; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } else { o.item["trackid"] = "as-popular"; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } if ("undefined" != typeof o.item.addedNear && o.item.addedNear != "" && o.item.addedNear) { o.item.trackid = o.item.trackid + ":near=" + "1" } } else if ( == 3) { if (typeof n != "undefined" && n != "") { o.item["trackid"] = "as-kwd|kwd=" + n; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } else { o.item["trackid"] = "as-kwd"; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } if ("undefined" != typeof o.item.addedNear && o.item.addedNear != "" && o.item.addedNear) { o.item.trackid = o.item.trackid + ":near=" + "1" } } else if ( == 4) { if (typeof n != "undefined" && n != "") { o.item["trackid"] = "as-comp|kwd=" + n; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } else { o.item["trackid"] = "as-comp"; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } if ("undefined" != typeof o.item.addedNear && o.item.addedNear != "" && o.item.addedNear) { o.item.trackid = o.item.trackid + ":near=" + "1" } } else if ( == 5) { o.item["trackid"] = 'as-' + typeParam[]; o.item["trackid"] += n ? '|kwd=' + n : ''; o.item["trackid"] += o.item.last_dis ? ':ret=' + o.item.last_dis : ''; } } else if ("undefined" != typeof o.item && "undefined" != typeof o.item.cls && o.item.cls == "defaultcon") { if (typeof n != "undefined" && n != "") { o.item["trackid"] = "as-default|kwd=" + n; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } else { o.item["trackid"] = "as-default"; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } if ("undefined" != typeof o.item.addedNear && o.item.addedNear != "" && o.item.addedNear) { o.item.trackid = o.item.trackid + ":near=" + "1" } } else if ("undefined" != typeof o.item && "undefined" != typeof o.item.cls && o.item.cls == "rcmnd") { if (typeof n != "undefined" && n != "") { o.item["trackid"] = "as-rcmnd|kwd=" + n; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } else { o.item["trackid"] = "as-rcmnd"; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } if ("undefined" != typeof o.item.addedNear && o.item.addedNear != "" && o.item.addedNear) { o.item.trackid = o.item.trackid + ":near=" + "1" } } else if ("undefined" != typeof o.item && "undefined" != typeof o.item.cls && o.item.cls == "cntxt_sell") { if (typeof n != "undefined" && n != "") { o.item["trackid"] = "as-selcnxt|kwd=" + n; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } else { o.item["trackid"] = "as-selcnxt"; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } if ("undefined" != typeof o.item.addedNear && o.item.addedNear != "" && o.item.addedNear) { o.item.trackid = o.item.trackid + ":near=" + "1" } } else if ("undefined" != typeof o.item && "undefined" != typeof o.item.cls && o.item.cls == "blrcnt") { if (typeof n != "undefined" && n != "") { o.item["trackid"] = "as-blrcnt|kwd=" + n; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } else { o.item["trackid"] = "as-blrcnt"; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } if ("undefined" != typeof o.item.addedNear && o.item.addedNear != "" && o.item.addedNear) { o.item.trackid = o.item.trackid + ":near=" + "1" } } else { if (typeof n != "undefined" && n != "") { o.item["trackid"] = "as-rcnt|kwd=" + n; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } else { o.item["trackid"] = "as-rcnt"; if (typeof o.item.last_dis != "undefined" && o.item.last_dis == 1) { o.item["trackid"] = o.item["trackid"] + ":ret=" + o.item.last_dis } } if ("undefined" != typeof o.item.addedNear && o.item.addedNear != "" && o.item.addedNear) { o.item.trackid = o.item.trackid + ":near=" + "1" } } var typedWordCount = 0; typeof n != "undefined" && n != null && (typedWordCount = n.trim().length > 0 ? n.split(" ").length : 0); o.item.trackid += ("|pos=" + (o.item.pos ? o.item.pos : "-1")); o.item.trackid += ("|cat=" + (!=0 ? : "-2")); o.item.trackid += ("|mcat=" + (a.context.mcat!=0 ? a.context.mcat : "-2")); o.item.trackid += ("|kwd_len=" + (typeof n != "undefined" && n != null ? n.length : "-2")); o.item.trackid += ("|kwd_cnt=" + (typeof typedWordCount != "undefined" && typedWordCount != null ? typedWordCount : "-2")); } s += "undefined" == typeof o.item.cls ? "-other" : "-" + o.item.cls; typ_data = "undefined" != typeof o.item && "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof ? "-type-" + : ""; var r = 500 * Math.ceil(((new Date).getTime() - a.firstKeyDownTime) / 500); !a.selectionRecorded && eventTrack("Auto-Suggest", "selected-" + s + typ_data + e.module + "-mode-" + asgv.mode + "-after-char-" + (n.length === a.preFilledTerm.length && n === a.preFilledTerm ? '0' : n.length) + "-pos-" + ("undefined" != typeof o.item.pos ? o.item.pos : '0') + (("undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof ? ("-cat-" + + "-" + : ''), n + " - " + o.item.value + "-keydown-to-selection-time-ms-" + r, "undefined" != typeof o.item.pos ? parseInt(o.item.pos.toString().substr(0, 1)) : '0'), a.selectionRecorded = !0, $(t).val(o.item.value), this.onSelectFired = !0, o.item.value = e.type === "location" || e.type === "city" ? o.item.value.split(",")[0].trim() : o.item.value; e.onSelect &&, i, o) }, change: function (t, n) { var o = $(this).val(); if (!n.item && e.onExplicitChange) { var s; if (s == i.cache(o, e, o), !s && "" != o) { var r = {}; r.searchTerm = o, r.match = "exact", r.callbackstr = "Suggester_callback_", r.event = t, r.method = "exact", r.limit = 1, r.onSuccess = a.onExplicitChangeSuccess, a.requestData(e, a, r, "") } } }, open: e.onOpen, close: e.onClose }).data("autocomplete"); e.autocompleteClass && $([0]).addClass(e.autocompleteClass), r._renderItem = function (t, i) { var a = cleanString(this.term, 1).trim(), n = a.replace(/ /g, "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+"), o = new RegExp("\\b(" + n + ")", "ig"), s = "undefined" != typeof i.label && i.label.replace(/(-)/gi, " ") || "undefined" != typeof i.value && i.value.replace(/(-)/gi, " ") || ("undefined" != typeof ?, " ") : false), r = i && i.cls ? i.cls : ""; if (s && e.dispstyle == 2) { (chkFrMb ||'m\.indiamart\.com')) ? t.addClass("mAtsugst") : t.addClass("dAtsugst"); s && "normal" === e.highlight ? s = "" + s.replace(o, "$1") + "" : "reverse" === e.highlight && (s = s.replace(o, "$1")), r && (r = ' class="' + r + '"'); var l = $("").addClass("as_D"); if(!(chkFrMb ||'m\.indiamart\.com'))){ if (typeof i.cls != "undefined" && "" != i.cls && i.cls == "rcnt" || typeof i.cls != "undefined" && "" != i.cls && i.cls == "blrcnt") { var icon = '' } else if ("undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof && == 2) { var icon = '' } else { var icon = '' } } else{ if (typeof i.cls != "undefined" && "" != i.cls && i.cls == "rcnt") { var icon = '' } else if (typeof i.cls != "undefined" && "" != i.cls && i.cls == "topsearches" || "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof && == 2) { var icon = '' } else { var icon = '' } } return"item.autocomplete", i), ("undefined" == typeof || "undefined" == typeof && "undefined" == typeof && l.append(' ' + icon + s + ""), l.appendTo(t), 0 === t.find("ul").length && l.wrap(''), "search_string" === e.element && 1 != t.children().first().is("div") && l.parent().wrap('
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this.url = document.URL, this.childURL = e; var i = { modId: "*", key: "*", data: "*", url: this.url }; try { if ("undefined" == typeof _IMStore_initialized) { _IMStore_initialized = !0; var a = document.createElement("IFRAME"); a.setAttribute("src", e), = "hidden", a.setAttribute("id", t), a.setAttribute("name", "storageFrame"), = "0px", = "0px", document.body.appendChild(a), $("#" + t).load(function () { IMStore.msgHandler = a.contentWindow, IMStore.msgHandler.postMessage(i, e) }); if ($("iframe#storageFrame").length > 0) storeLoaded = true; $(document).ready(function () { if (!storeLoaded) { document.body.appendChild(a); $("#" + t).load(function () { IMStore.msgHandler = a.contentWindow, IMStore.msgHandler.postMessage(i, e) }) } }) } } catch (e) {} } function defaultContextData(e, catid, mcatid, callback) { var con = []; $.ajax({ url: e, dataType: "json", cache: true, data: { tag: "defcon", limit: 10, type: "product", catid: catid, mcatid: mcatid, v: asgv.version || -1 }, success: function (x) { if ("undefined" != typeof x && "undefined" != typeof x.product && x.product) { for (i = 0; i < x.product.length; i++) { if ("undefined" != typeof x.product[i] && "undefined" != typeof x.product[i].value) { var val = x.product[i].value; var cls = "defaultcon"; con.push({ value: val, cls: cls }); } } } callback(con); }, error: function (error) { callback([]); } }); } function defaultSellerData(e, sellerId, callback) { var con = []; $.ajax({ url: e, type: "POST", cache: true, data: { 'glid': sellerId }, success: function (x) { if ("undefined" != typeof x && "undefined" != typeof x.status && x.status == 200 && "undefined" != typeof x.product && x.product) { for (i = 0; i < x.product.length; i++) { if ("undefined" != typeof x.product[i] && "undefined" != typeof x.product[i].value && "undefined" != typeof x.product[i].cls) { var val = x.product[i].value; var cls = x.product[i].cls; con.push({ value: val, cls: cls }); } } } callback(con); }, error: function (error) { callback([]); } }); } function getFutureDate(daysToAdd, useCurrentTime = true) { const currentDate = new Date(); currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + daysToAdd); const year = String(currentDate.getFullYear()); const month = String(currentDate.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); const day = String(currentDate.getDate()).padStart(2, '0'); let hours, minutes; if (useCurrentTime) { hours = String(currentDate.getHours()).padStart(2, '0'); minutes = String(currentDate.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0'); } else { hours = "06"; minutes = "30"; } const formattedDate = year + month + day + hours + minutes; return formattedDate; } function exactMatchResults(topRes, term, typ) { if (typ == "city-state") { return topRes } var extMatch = []; var data_value = ""; term = term.trim().toString().toLowerCase(); term = term.replace(/(e$|es$|y$|ies$|s$)/i, ""); if (typeof topRes != "undefined" && topRes != null && topRes.length != 0) { for (var x = 0; x < topRes.length; x++) { if (typeof topRes[x] != "undefined" && topRes[x] != null && typeof topRes[x].value != "undefined" && topRes[x].value != "") { data_value = topRes[x].value.toString().toLowerCase(); data_value = data_value.replace(/(e$|es$|y$|ies$|s$)/i, ""); if (data_value === term) { extMatch.push(topRes[x]) } } } } return extMatch } function sortingResults(topRes, term, extMatch, typ) { var orderArr = []; if (typeof topRes != "undefined" && topRes.length != 0) { for (var x = 0; x < topRes.length; x++) { if (typeof topRes[x] != "undefined" && typeof topRes[x].value != "undefined" && topRes[x].value != "") { orderArr.push(topRes[x]); } } } return orderArr } function getGidVidUserData() { if (0 == asgv.userData) { if ("undefined" == typeof asgv.gid && document.cookie.indexOf(" ImeshVisitor") > -1 && document.cookie.indexOf("glid%3D") > -1) { var e = "glid%3D"; asgv.mode = "identified"; var t = document.cookie.substring(document.cookie.indexOf(e) + 7); asgv.gid = "g" + t.substring(0, t.indexOf("%")); asgv.p_gid = t.substring(0, t.indexOf("%")) } var ga = readGaCookie("_ga"); asgv.p_vid = ga; if ("undefined" != typeof ga) { var ga_val = ga.split("."); var vid = ga_val[2] } if ("undefined" == typeof asgv.vid && "undefined" != typeof vid && (asgv.vid = "v" + vid), "" == asgv.reqBoosters && document.cookie.indexOf(" ImeshVisitor") > -1 && document.cookie.indexOf("ct%3D") > -1) { var i = "ct%3D", t = document.cookie.substring(document.cookie.indexOf(i) + 5); 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"scrollLeft" : "scrollTop", n = !1; return t[a] > 0 || (t[a] = 1, n = t[a] > 0, t[a] = 0, n) }, isOverAxis: function (e, t, i) { return e > t && t + i > e }, isOver: function (t, i, a, n, o, s) { return e.ui.isOverAxis(t, a, o) && e.ui.isOverAxis(i, n, s) } })) }(jQuery), function (e, t) { if (e.cleanData) { var i = e.cleanData; e.cleanData = function (e) { for (var t, a = 0; null != (t = e[a]); a++) try { n(t).triggerHandler("remove") } catch (n) {} i(e) } } else { var a = e.fn.remove; e.fn.remove = function (t, i) { return this.each(function () { return i || (!t || e.filter(t, [this]).length) && e("*", this).add([this]).each(function () { try { e(this).triggerHandler("remove") } catch (e) {} }),, t, i) }) } } e.widget = function (t, i, a) { var n, o = t.split(".")[0]; t = t.split(".")[1], n = o + "-" + t, a || (a = i, i = e.Widget), e.expr[":"][n] = function (i) { return !!, t) }, e[o] = e[o] || {}, e[o][t] = function (e, t) { arguments.length && this._createWidget(e, t) }; var s = new i; s.options = e.extend(!0, {}, s.options), e[o][t].prototype = e.extend(!0, s, { namespace: o, widgetName: t, widgetEventPrefix: e[o][t].prototype.widgetEventPrefix || t, widgetBaseClass: n }, a), e.widget.bridge(t, e[o][t]) }, e.widget.bridge = function (i, a) { e.fn[i] = function (n) { var o = "string" == typeof n, s =, 1), r = this; return n = !o && s.length ? e.extend.apply(null, [!0, n].concat(s)) : n, o && "_" === n.charAt(0) ? r : (o ? this.each(function () { var a =, i), o = a && e.isFunction(a[n]) ? a[n].apply(a, s) : a; return o !== a && o !== t ? (r = o, !1) : void 0 }) : this.each(function () { var t =, i); t ? t.option(n || {})._init() :, i, new a(n, this)) }), r) } }, e.Widget = function (e, t) { arguments.length && this._createWidget(e, t) }, e.Widget.prototype = { widgetName: "widget", widgetEventPrefix: "", options: { disabled: !1 }, _createWidget: function (t, i) {, this.widgetName, this), this.element = e(i), this.options = e.extend(!0, {}, this.options, this._getCreateOptions(), t); var a = this; this.element.bind("remove." + this.widgetName, function () { a.destroy() }), this._create(), this._trigger("create"), this._init() }, _getCreateOptions: function () { return e.metadata && e.metadata.get(this.element[0])[this.widgetName] }, _create: function () {}, _init: function () {}, destroy: function () { this.element.unbind("." + this.widgetName).removeData(this.widgetName), this.widget().unbind("." + this.widgetName).removeAttr("aria-disabled").removeClass(this.widgetBaseClass + "-disabled ui-state-disabled") }, widget: function () { return this.element }, option: function (i, a) { var n = i; if (0 === arguments.length) return e.extend({}, this.options); if ("string" == typeof i) { if (a === t) return this.options[i]; n = {}, n[i] = a } return this._setOptions(n), this }, _setOptions: function (t) { var i = this; return e.each(t, function (e, t) { i._setOption(e, t) }), this }, _setOption: function (e, t) { return this.options[e] = t, "disabled" === e && this.widget()[t ? 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(r = d.width(), l = d.height(), c = { top: 0, left: 0 }) : u.setTimeout ? (r = d.width(), l = d.height(), c = { top: d.scrollTop(), left: d.scrollLeft() }) : u.preventDefault ? ( = "left top", r = l = 0, c = { top: t.of.pageY, left: t.of.pageX }) : (r = d.outerWidth(), l = d.outerHeight(), c = d.offset()), e.each(["my", "at"], function () { var e = (t[this] || "").split(" "); 1 === e.length && (e = i.test(e[0]) ? e.concat([n]) : a.test(e[0]) ? [n].concat(e) : [n, n]), e[0] = i.test(e[0]) ? e[0] : n, e[1] = a.test(e[1]) ? e[1] : n, t[this] = e }), 1 === p.length && (p[1] = p[0]), g[0] = parseInt(g[0], 10) || 0, 1 === g.length && (g[1] = g[0]), g[1] = parseInt(g[1], 10) || 0, "right" ===[0] ? c.left += r :[0] === n && (c.left += r / 2), "bottom" ===[1] ? += l :[1] === n && ( += l / 2), c.left += g[0], += g[1], this.each(function () { var i, a = e(this), s = a.outerWidth(), d = a.outerHeight(), u = parseInt(e.curCSS(this, "marginLeft", !0)) || 0, f = parseInt(e.curCSS(this, "marginTop", !0)) || 0, h = s + u + (parseInt(e.curCSS(this, "marginRight", !0)) || 0), m = d + f + (parseInt(e.curCSS(this, "marginBottom", !0)) || 0), v = e.extend({}, c); "right" ===[0] ? v.left -= s :[0] === n && (v.left -= s / 2), "bottom" ===[1] ? -= d :[1] === n && ( -= d / 2), o.fractions || (v.left = Math.round(v.left), = Math.round(, i = { left: v.left - u, top: - f }, = $(this).hasClass("autocomplete-box") === !0 ? + 4 :, v.left = $(this).hasClass("autocomplete-box") === !0 ? v.left - 1 : v.left, e.each(["left", "top"], function (a, n) { e.ui.position[p[a]] && e.ui.position[p[a]][n](v, { targetWidth: r, targetHeight: l, elemWidth: s, elemHeight: d, collisionPosition: i, collisionWidth: h, collisionHeight: m, offset: g, my:, at: }) }), e.fn.bgiframe && a.bgiframe(), a.offset(e.extend(v, { using: t.using })) }) }, e.ui.position = { fit: { left: function (t, i) { var a = e(window), n = i.collisionPosition.left + i.collisionWidth - a.width() - a.scrollLeft(); t.left = n > 0 ? t.left - n : Math.max(t.left - i.collisionPosition.left, t.left) }, top: function (t, i) { var a = e(window), n = + i.collisionHeight - a.height() - a.scrollTop(); = n > 0 ? - n : Math.max( -, } }, flip: { left: function (t, i) { if ([0] !== n) { var a = e(window), o = i.collisionPosition.left + i.collisionWidth - a.width() - a.scrollLeft(), s = "left" ===[0] ? -i.elemWidth : "right" ===[0] ? i.elemWidth : 0, r = "left" ===[0] ? i.targetWidth : -i.targetWidth, l = -2 * i.offset[0]; t.left += i.collisionPosition.left < 0 ? s + r + l : o > 0 ? s + r + l : 0 } }, top: function (t, i) { if ([1] !== n) { var a = e(window), o = + i.collisionHeight - a.height() - a.scrollTop(), s = "top" ===[1] ? -i.elemHeight : "bottom" ===[1] ? i.elemHeight : 0, r = "top" ===[1] ? i.targetHeight : -i.targetHeight, l = -2 * i.offset[1]; += < 0 ? s + r + l : o > 0 ? s + r + l : 0 } } } }, e.offset.setOffset || (e.offset.setOffset = function (t, i) { /static/.test(e.curCSS(t, "position")) && ( = "relative"); var a = e(t), n = a.offset(), o = parseInt(e.curCSS(t, "top", !0), 10) || 0, s = parseInt(e.curCSS(t, "left", !0), 10) || 0, r = { top: - + o, left: i.left - n.left + s }; "using" in i ?, r) : a.css(r) }, e.fn.offset = function (t) { var i = this[0]; return i && i.ownerDocument ? t ? e.isFunction(t) ? this.each(function (i) { e(this).offset(, i, e(this).offset())) }) : this.each(function () { e.offset.setOffset(this, t) }) : : null } ), function () { var t, i, a, n, s, r = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], l = document.createElement("div"); t = document.createElement(r ? 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location.protocol + "//" :"dev") > -1 ? location.protocol + "//" : location.protocol + "//", asgv.domain ="stg") > -1 ? location.protocol + "//" :"dev") > -1 ? location.protocol + "//" : location.protocol + "//", asgv.gaAcId = "UA-10312824-1" } asgv.topSearches = [], checkIfAnalyticsLoaded(), Suggestions.prototype.list = function (e, t) { return null != e && (this._list = e, this.type = t || this.DIRECT), this._list }, SuggestionCache.prototype.cache = function (e, t, i, a) { var top_data = [], bot_data = [], top_sort = []; var term_typ = i; if (e = "domain" == t.type ? e : cleanString(e), i = "domain" == t.type ? i : cleanString(i.trim(), 1), null != a && "" != e && (this._cache["" + e] = a), e in this._cache && "object" == typeof this._cache["" + e]) return this._cache["" + e]; if (e.length > 0) { var n = this.cache(e.substr(0, e.length - 1), t, i); if (null != n) { var o = new Suggestions, s = {}, r = {}, previousKeys = []; return data = n.list(), i = "domain" == t.type && t.match === "fuzzy" ? removeVowels(i) : cleanString(i, 1), $.each(data, function (e, a) { previousKeys = previouskeyCache(i, a, e, r, t)[e]; if (t.module == "-IM-HEADER" || t.module == "IM-HEADER" || t.dispstyle == 2) { if (0 == previousKeys.length) { if (previousKeys.concat(r["spck" + e]).length == 0) { s[e] = asgv.ld; if (n.type == 3) { for (var y = 0; y < s[e].length; y++) { if (typeof s[e][y] != "undefined" && s[e][y] != "") { s[e][y]["last_dis"] = 1 } } } } else { s[e] = previousKeys.concat(r["spck" + e]); if (n.type == 3) { for (var y = 0; y < s[e].length; y++) { if (typeof s[e][y] != "undefined" && s[e][y] != "") { s[e][y]["last_dis"] = 0 } } } } } else { s[e] = previousKeys; if (n.type == 3) { for (var y = 0; y < s[e].length; y++) { if (typeof s[e][y] != "undefined" && s[e][y] != "") { s[e][y]["last_dis"] = 0 } } } } asgv.ld = s[e] } else { s[e] = 0 == previousKeys.length ? previousKeys.concat(r["spck" + e]) : previousKeys } }), n.type == n.COMPLETE ? o.list(s, o.COMPLETE) : o.list(s, o.FILTERED), o } } return null }, 0 == asgv.userData && ( = new IMStore, getGidVidUserData()), IMStore.localStorage = {}, IMStore.localStorageLoaded = false; IMStore.localStorageQueue = []; IMStore.prototype.getData = function (e, t) { if (jQuery.inArray(t, perks) != -1) { return 0 == asgv.userData && getGidVidUserData(), "undefined" == typeof Storage ? null : ("string" == typeof IMStore.localStorage && (IMStore.localStorage = $.parseJSON(IMStore.localStorage)), $.parseJSON(IMStore.localStorage[e] || "{}")[t]) } try { return 0 == asgv.userData && getGidVidUserData(), "undefined" == typeof Storage ? null : ("string" == typeof IMStore.localStorage && (IMStore.localStorage = $.parseJSON(IMStore.localStorage)), $.parseJSON(IMStore.localStorage["undefined" != typeof ? : e.toString().toLowerCase()] || "{}")[t.toString().toLowerCase()]) } catch (error) { var er=""; if (typeof IMStore == "undefined") { er = "IMStore is undefined" } else if(typeof IMStore.localStorage == "undefined") { er = "IMStore localStorage is undefined" } else { er = error.message } eventTrack("Auto-suggest", er, 0, 0) } }, IMStore.receieveMessage = function (e) { && e.origin.match(/ && ( != 'false') && (IMStore.localStorage = && (IMStore.localStorageLoaded = true); try { if (IMStore.localStorageLoaded) { while (IMStore.localStorageQueue.length) { var msg = IMStore.localStorageQueue.shift();, msg.key,, msg.key) || [])); } } } catch (error) { var er=""; if (typeof IMStore == "undefined") { er = "IMStore is undefined" } else if(typeof IMStore.localStorageQueue == "undefined") { er = "IMStore localStorageQueue is undefined" } else { er = error.message } eventTrack("Auto-suggest", er, 0, 0) } }, IMStore.prototype.setData = function (e, t, i) { if ("undefined" == typeof Storage) return null; var a = { modId: e, key: t, data: i, url: this.url }; "undefined" != typeof IMStore.msgHandler && "0" != i[0] && "undefined" != i[0] && IMStore.localStorageLoaded && IMStore.msgHandler.postMessage(a, this.childURL); try{ if (!IMStore.localStorageLoaded) IMStore.localStorageQueue.push(a); } catch(error) { var er=""; if (typeof IMStore == "undefined") { er = "IMStore is undefined" } else if(typeof IMStore.localStorageQueue == "undefined") { er = "IMStore localStorageQueue is undefined" } else { er = error.message } eventTrack("Auto-suggest", er, 0, 0) } }, Suggester.match = function (e, t, i) { i || (i = "beginword"); var a; e = "undefined" != typeof e && e.replace(/(\\|\[|\]|\*|\?|\{|\}|\.|\(|\))/g, ""); return a = "beginstring" == i.toString().toLowerCase() ? new RegExp("^" + e, "i") : new RegExp("\\b" + e, "i"), $.grep(t, function (e, t) { try { // var i = cleanString(e.toString().toLowerCase(), 0); v = ""; //"e" is an array of eihter "string", which are direct values or of an "object" which has values in "value" attribute // we need to chose the value to match accordingly if ("string" == typeof e) { v = e.toLowerCase(); } else if (e.value) { v = e.value.toString().toLowerCase() || ""; } var i = cleanString(v, 0); return a.test(i); } catch (error) { eventTrack("Auto-suggest", error.message, 0, 0); return false } }) }, Suggester.getTopN = function (e, t, maxSuggestLen, frstcapcase) { maxSuggestLen || (maxSuggestLen = 45), frstcapcase || (frstcapcase = 2); for (var i = [], a = {}, n = 1, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { if (e[o] === null) continue; var s = cleanString("object" == typeof e[o] ? "undefined" != typeof e[o].label ? e[o].label.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/(e$|es$|y$|ies$|s$|ing$)/i, "").replace(/(s )/gi, " ").replace(/(-)/gi, " ").replace(/ /g, "") : "undefined" != typeof e[o].id ? e[o].id.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/(e$|es$|y$|ies$|s$|ing$)/i, "").replace(/(s )/gi, " ").replace(/(-)/gi, " ").replace(/ /g, "") : null : e[o].toString().toLowerCase()); if (!a["" + s] && ("undefined" == typeof e[o].label || e[o].label.length < maxSuggestLen) && (e[o].label && (e[o].pos = n++), e[o].label = frstcapcase == 1 ? ucwords(e[o].label) : e[o].label, e[o].value = frstcapcase == 1 ? ucwords(e[o].value) : e[o].value, i.push(e[o])), a["" + s] = 1, i.length >= t) break } return i }, Suggester.toTitleCase = function(str) { // return str.toLowerCase().split(' ').map(function(word) { // return word.replace(word[0], word[0].toUpperCase()); // }).join(' '); return str.replace(/(^\w{1})|(\s{1}\w{1})/g, function(match){ return match.toUpperCase(); }); }, Suggester.remDuplicateImg = function (e) { var t = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e)), i = [], a = {}, n = 0, o = 0; for ($(t).each(function (e, t) { "object" == typeof && "undefined" == typeof && (t.reldata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( }), o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) if ("object" == typeof t[o] && "object" == typeof t[o].data && "string" == typeof t[o].data.img) { var s = t[o].data.img; a["" + s] && delete t[o].data.img, s = t[o].data.img, a["" + s] = 1 } for (o = 0; o < t.length; o++) if (o < t.length && ("object" == typeof t[o].data && "string" == typeof t[o].data.img ? delete t[o].data.img : t[o]), "object" == typeof t[o] && "object" == typeof t[o].data && $.map(Object.keys(t[o].data), function (e, t) { return 0 === e.indexOf("cat") ? e : void 0 }).length / 2 > 1 && 1 > n) { var r = 1; for (i.push(t[o]), i[i.length - 1].pos = o + 1, n++, r = 0; $.map(Object.keys(t[o].data), function (e, t) { return 0 === e.indexOf("cat") ? e : void 0 }).length / 2 > r && 2 != r; r++) if ("object" == typeof t[o].data && "string" == typeof Object.keys(t[o].data)[r + r]) { var l = { label: t[o].label, value: t[o].value, pos: o + 1 }; = {}, l.reldata = t[o].reldata, = t[o].data[$.map(Object.keys(t[o].data), function (e, t) { return 0 === e.indexOf("cat") ? e : void 0 })[r + r]], = t[o].data[$.map(Object.keys(t[o].data), function (e, t) { return 0 === e.indexOf("cat") ? e : void 0 })[2 * r + 1]], i.push(l) } else "object" == typeof t[o].data && delete i[i.length - r].data } else i.push(t[o]), i[i.length - 1].pos = o + 1, "object" == typeof i[i.length - 1].data && "string" == typeof i[i.length - 1].data.cat1 && o >= 2 && delete i[i.length - 1].data; return i }, Suggester.getArrayCaseInsensitiveMatch = function (e, t) { var i = -1; return "undefined" != typeof e && (e = cleanString(e), e = "undefined" != typeof ? : e.toString().toLowerCase(), $.each(t, function (t, a) { return a = cleanString("object" == typeof a ? "undefined" != typeof ? : "undefined" != typeof ? : null : a.toString().toLowerCase()), e == a.toString().toLowerCase() ? i = t : void 0 })), i }, window.addEventListener ? addEventListener("message", IMStore.receieveMessage, !1) : attachEvent("onmessage", IMStore.receieveMessage), as_css = (chkFrMb ||'m\.indiamart\.com')) ? 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